Tuesday 28 January 2014

The message I have chosen to communicate is to raise their awareness of sexual health to young people around the age of 16-25.  I am trying to portray that not everyone with an STD knows they have one, and they may not even look like they have one, so this should alarm and encourage people to use protection and be safe.

I have been influenced by posters and campaigns from health services like the NHS and the National HIV Fund.
My target audience is ages 16 to 25 which is mainly students, the picture below of a doctors waiting room with a poster shows many bottles of alcohol with the phrase “A hangover goes away… an STD doesn’t.”  This means that alcohol affects the way we think, therefore when your drunk you may sleep with someone you don’t know, or forget to use protection causing you to get an STD. This message persuades people to be careful not to go too far when they drink because of the consequences. 

This image is a promotional poster of durex condoms, these posters will be in men’s and women’s toilets.

This image is a poster advertisement on a bus stop. The poster is a picture of Victoria Beckham in her underwear, with crabs crawling out of her and butterfly’s with “STD” etsc in text, and along the side the phrase is “She may look clean, but…” This means that not all STDs can be seen, and just because a woman/man is beautiful it doesn’t mean they are clean, lots of people can have STDs so you have to be careful.  

I have chosen this image to print onto my final bag because I think it is the most fashion like design, and the most attractive. The bag could be given out to students in sexual health clinics, along with leaflets on how to be safe.

I think my final bag design was successful, however I think I could have made it more wearable by making the background white so it blends in with the bag.

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